• 17, November 2023

  • Time to read: 3 mins

How Do I Complain?

Kathy McMullan

Head of Customer Contact

Providing you with the best service is at the heart of what we do at One Sure. That said, we may occasionally fall short of the standard you expect from us despite our best efforts to deliver quality. If this ever happens, we want to know.

Main Points:

  • If you’re not satisfied with our service, tell us. 
  • To send a complaint, email us or send a letter via post (see details below).
  • Make sure to include detailed information and any supporting evidence in the email.
  • We will respond within eight weeks of receiving your email or letter.
  • The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) resolves disputes between consumers and financial service providers.
  • However, you must submit the complaint directly to us or your insurer first for review.

How do I submit a complaint to One Sure?

Contact us immediately if you’d like to submit a complaint. Please provide as much detail as possible.

If you have any evidence to support the complaint, we would like to see it. This could include any scanned letters of correspondence or screenshots from your phone. 

Send your complaints via email to complaints@onesureinsurance.co.uk.

Alternatively, you can send it via post, addressed to our complaints department at:
One Sure Insurance

Spitfire House

142-154 Congleton Road


Stoke on Trent


What information do I need to make a complaint?

Our customer service team will ask you the necessary questions to ensure all the correct details are logged to investigate and resolve. 

To make the process easier, we recommend that you have the following information and documents to make a complaint:

  • Your name and customer reference number.
  • Detail fully what you are complaining about.
  • Include and reference any supporting evidence, such as images, dates, times, emails, letters, etc.
  • Tell us if you have a specific action in mind to correct the problem.
  • Let us know how you want to be contacted in future if your complaint still needs to be resolved.

When will I receive a response from you?

Our dedicated customer service team will investigate your complaint thoroughly so that you can receive the best quality service. Usually, you can expect a response from us approximately eight weeks after receiving your email. 

Who regulates the insurance industry?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is an independent regulatory authority that oversees the conduct of financial firms. 

They make sure that insurance companies treat their customers fairly and provide them with clear and transparent information. The FCA also sets rules and standards for selling, marketing, and servicing insurance products.

How can I take my complaint further?

Contact us immediately. Explain your issue clearly and provide any relevant policy details. 

If you are dissatisfied with a response or resolution to your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). 

The FOS is an independent organization that resolves disputes between consumers and financial service providers.

It’s important to note that the FOS will only assess your complaint after you formally raise it with us.

How do I contact the insurance ombudsman?

You can contact the FOS in the following ways:

  • Visit the Financial Ombudsman Service website and submit a complaint form.
  • Call their helpline on 0800 023 4567 (free for consumers).
  • Send an email to complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

When contacting the FOS, be sure to provide them with all the necessary information about your complaint, including details of your insurance policy, correspondence with the insurance company, and any other relevant documents.

What happens if I submit a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service?

The FOS will investigate your complaint independently by assessing the evidence provided by both you, your insurer and us at One Sure.

It’s essential to cooperate throughout their investigation by providing any information promptly, as they will issue a final decision. If you disagree with the decision, you can reject it.

How long does it take to get an ombudsman decision?

The entire process, from submitting your complaint to receiving a decision, can take anywhere from several months to a year or more. It will largely depend on the complexity of your case and the backlog of cases at the FOS.

What happens if you disagree with the Financial Ombudsman’s decision?

The Financial Ombudsman’s decision is binding on the parties involved. This means that everyone involved can’t complain to another ombudsman if they disagree with a decision.

The FOS is what is known as a public body, so it is possible to pursue legal action if you think they have not behaved legally or justly. However, these circumstances are exceedingly rare due to the extent to which the FOS review cases with experts and panels. 

Simply disagreeing with their decision would not be seen as justifiable grounds to dispute them further in court. 

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